|  ISSN: 1018-1806   |  e-ISSN: 2197-0483

Original article | Helia 2024, Vol. 47(81) 32-46

Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis and Characterization of Wild Sunflower Species

Simge Bagci, Yalçın Kaya, Semra Hasançebi, Emrah Akpınar & Necmi Beşer

pp. 32 - 46   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/helia.2024.1101.3   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2412-22-0004

Published online: December 31, 2024  |   Number of Views: 1  |  Number of Download: 7


As it is known, sunflower is a very important oil crop that is generally used in Turkey and the world. To compensate of Turkish vegetable oil need, with increasing population day by day, it needs to increase the sunflower yield. To increase sunflower seed yield and production as well as the quality, the planted cultivars should have the resistant genes for better adaptation capability to bad environmental conditions as well as new better specifications for higher yielding. Sunflower wild species growing in very hard environments are the main resources for these purposes. There are many conducted studies to give proper information to sunflower breeders until now for classifying wild species. In addition to classical phylogenetic, it is so important that searching of relationships and specifications of sunflower wild species utilizing from molecular phylogenetic studies given more appropriate and reasonable information. In this study, molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed by using 14 SSR markers that are high polymorphic in sunflower to define of the phylogenetic relationship among wild sunflower species with using 52 different species in Helianthus genus. PCR products obtained as a result of SSR analysis were measured with a capillary electrophoresis. The frequencies of the obtained alleles were analyzed using GenAlex 6.5 and PIC values were analyzed using CERVUS programs. A total of 134 different alleles were obtained for 8 SSR loci. Remained 4 SSRs were monomorphic and 2 of them did not produce scorable products. The most polymorphic SSR was ORS662 marker with 19 alleles. The least allele (10) was seen in ORS331 marker. The average number of alleles per locus was calculated as 16. Then, the UPGMA dendrogram was created based on similarity matrices. According to the dendrogram, it was observed that the closest species to cultivated sunflower (H. annuus) was H. eggertii. The similarity index between the two species was calculated as 0.589. After H. eggerti, the most similar species were H. pauciflorus, H. praecox and H. decapetalus, respectively. With this study, 8 markers that could distinguish the similarities among sunflower species were determined and the results were obtained about the proximity of the species to each other.

Keywords: Wild Sunflower, Helianthus genus, Molecular Phylogenetic, SSR, Dendrogram

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Bagci, S., Kaya, Y., Hasancebi, S., Akpinar, E. & Beser, N. (2024). Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis and Characterization of Wild Sunflower Species . Helia, 47(81), 32-46. doi: 10.29329/helia.2024.1101.3

Bagci, S., Kaya, Y., Hasancebi, S., Akpinar, E. and Beser, N. (2024). Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis and Characterization of Wild Sunflower Species . Helia, 47(81), pp. 32-46.

Chicago 16th edition
Bagci, Simge, Yalcin Kaya, Semra Hasancebi, Emrah Akpinar and Necmi Beser (2024). "Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis and Characterization of Wild Sunflower Species ". Helia 47 (81):32-46. doi:10.29329/helia.2024.1101.3.


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