
About HELIA journal

Scientific Journal HELIA has been published since 1971 biannually online & print versions by ISA (International Sunflower Association) contribution with FAO as well as Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia until 2023. Currently, Helia journal is started to publish by the IRA (International Researchers Association, Turkey) in Pen Publishing platform authorized by International Sunflower Association.

Helia publish twice in a year in July and December, in only online version. It publishes only English-language articles.

HELIA publishes original theoretical, experimental and technical contributions arising from the scientific study of sunflower crops and production.


  • Crop agronomy and production
  • Sunflower genetic resources
  • Sunflower improvement, breeding and genetic
  • Sunflower Biotechnology and molecular studies
  • Sunlower oil and quality
  • Phytopathology and plant protection
  • Sunflower physiology
  • Sunflower marketing, economy and trade
  • Biochemistry, metabolism, structure, genetics, at diverse levels of integration
  • Ecology
  • Soil, water and mineral nutrition management and farming systems


Article formats
Original Articles, Technical Articles (including computer applications), Short Communications, Reports, Letters to the Editor, Hypotheses and Reviews

Your benefits are highly ranked journal devoted to the study of sunflower crops and farming, Recognized editorial board and insightful reviews, Comprehensive outlook on problematic aspects of HELIA’s topics.

HELIA JOURNAL Printed Manuscripts Volume 1 to 61 could be reached in this link



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