|  ISSN: 1018-1806   |  e-ISSN: 2197-0483

Original article | Helia 2024, Vol. 47(81) 1-20

Integrated Management of Alligatorweed in Autumn Planted Sunflower

Tanweer Ahmad, Asif Tanveer, Muhammad Ather Nadeem, Muhammad Yaseen, Muhammad Zafar & Muhammad Ehsan Safdar

pp. 1 - 20   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/helia.2024.1101.1   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2411-06-0002

Published online: December 31, 2024  |   Number of Views: 1  |  Number of Download: 5


The persistent and proliferating growth habit of alligatorweed makes this weed difficult to control in crops. Therefore, its integrated control by employing pre- and post-emergence herbicides along with cultural weed control methods may be required for its long-term sustained management in sunflower crop. Two-years field investigation was therefore conducted to compare the efficacy of different weed management strategies (plastic sheet mulch, pre-emergence application (PEA) of S-metolachlor, PEA of S-metolachlor + alligatorweed mulch 40 days after sowing (DAS), PEA of S-metolachlor + directed post-emergence application (DPOEA) of glufosinate 20 DAS, single and dual DPOEA of glufosinate with or without adjuvants (alkyl ether sulphate / ammonium sulphate) for controlling alligatorweed in autumn planted sunflower. All weed management treatments reduced alligatorweed growth, its nutrients’ uptake and thus enhanced sunflower growth and yield. Plastic sheet mulch gave 100% control of alligatorweed. However, among herbicide treatments, PEA of S-metolachlor + DPOEA of glufosinate caused the highest reductions in alligatorweed density (95%), its dry biomass (98%), its macronutrients’ (up to 98%) and micronutrients’ (up to 99%) uptakes over weedy check. Maximum sunflower achene yield increase was recorded with plastic sheet mulch (124%) followed by PEA of S-metolachlor + DPOEA of glufosinate (84%). The economic analysis revealed that PEA of S-metolachlor + DPOEA of glufosinate 20 DAS gained the higher net benefit (US$138 and US$157) as well as benefit-cost ratio (6.87 and 6.36) during years 2015 and 2016, respectively. Therefore, in terms of better alligatorweed control, sunflower yield and cost-effectiveness, PEA of S-metolachlor + DPOEA of glufosinate 20 DAS could be considered the best option recommended for sunflower growers.

Keywords: Achene Yield, Alligatorweed, Herbicides, Plastic Mulch, Nutrients Uptake, Sunflower

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APA 6th edition
Ahmad, T., Tanveer, A., Nadeem, M.A., Yaseen, M., Zafar, M. & Safdar, M.E. (2024). Integrated Management of Alligatorweed in Autumn Planted Sunflower . Helia, 47(81), 1-20. doi: 10.29329/helia.2024.1101.1

Ahmad, T., Tanveer, A., Nadeem, M., Yaseen, M., Zafar, M. and Safdar, M. (2024). Integrated Management of Alligatorweed in Autumn Planted Sunflower . Helia, 47(81), pp. 1-20.

Chicago 16th edition
Ahmad, Tanweer, Asif Tanveer, Muhammad Ather Nadeem, Muhammad Yaseen, Muhammad Zafar and Muhammad Ehsan Safdar (2024). "Integrated Management of Alligatorweed in Autumn Planted Sunflower ". Helia 47 (81):1-20. doi:10.29329/helia.2024.1101.1.


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