|  ISSN: 1018-1806   |  e-ISSN: 2197-0483

Original article | Helia 2024, Vol. 47(80) 52-70

Past Contributions and Present Challenges of Sunflower Breeding in Argentina

Abelardo J. de la Vega, Sebastián Zuil, Arnaldo N. Vázquez & Amelia Bertero De Romano

pp. 52 - 70   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/helia.2024.763.5   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2410-12-0004

Published online: June 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 23  |  Number of Download: 31


Sunflower is grown in Argentina across a large and heterogeneous target population of environments. From the beginning of sunflower breeding activities in 1931 until the present day, the evolution of planted area, pathogen populations, market demands, and management practices posed challenges to the local breeding community. In the first part of this review, we have divided the national sunflower production history into three periods to analyze the past contributions of local breeding to the local and global sunflower industries. Special emphasis is placed on the role played by the National Institute of Agriculture Technology. The first period was characterized by the development of open pollination varieties which became the germplasm foundation on which the Argentine sunflower hybrid industry was later developed. From 1975 onwards, the genetic gains achieved by sunflower breeding programs have strongly contributed to the increase in farmers’ yields (second and third periods). Production per unit area was sustained during the phase of displacement of the crop to more marginal environments pushed by the explosive growth of soybeans (third period). In the second part of this study, we used a holistic approach to analyze the present challenges of sunflower breeding in Argentina, addressing (1) the complexity of the target genotype-environment system, (2) the genetic resources available to the breeding programs, (3) the clarity of the breeding objectives and strategy, and (4) the resource capability to implement, evaluate and manage the necessary breeding strategies.

Keywords: Sunflower breeding, Hybrid development, Genetic gain, Argentina,

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Vega, A.J.d.l., Zuil, S., Vázquez, A.N. & Romano, A.B.D. (2024). Past Contributions and Present Challenges of Sunflower Breeding in Argentina . Helia, 47(80), 52-70. doi: 10.29329/helia.2024.763.5

Vega, A., Zuil, S., Vázquez, A. and Romano, A. (2024). Past Contributions and Present Challenges of Sunflower Breeding in Argentina . Helia, 47(80), pp. 52-70.

Chicago 16th edition
Vega, Abelardo J. de la, Sebastián Zuil, Arnaldo N. Vázquez and Amelia Bertero De Romano (2024). "Past Contributions and Present Challenges of Sunflower Breeding in Argentina ". Helia 47 (80):52-70. doi:10.29329/helia.2024.763.5.


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