Original article | Helia 2019, Vol. 42(71) 213-220
V.M. Popov T.A. Dolhova
pp. 213 - 220
Published online: December 01, 2019 | Number of Views: 3 | Number of Download: 16
Inbred line Mh174B with the yellow coloration of the sunflower plant top was produced by hybridization of annual wild species with cultivated sunflower. The aim research was to evaluate genetic control of yellow coloration of the sunflower plant top in combination with other morphological traits (branchiness pollen fertility restoration and ray flower coloration). A total of four F 2 hybrid combinations of were created: Сх1010А × Mh174B Сх1012А × Mh174B Сх2111А × Mh174B Мх845А × Mh174B. Yellow coloration of the sunflower plant top was shown to follow a monogenic mode of inheritance and presumably be controlled by the gene y . This trait is inherited independently from such traits as branchiness pollen fertility restoration and ray flower coloration. The mainstreams of use of yellow coloration of the sunflower plant top in sunflower breeding and seed production are discussed.
Keywords: Helianthus annuus L., yellow coloration of sunflower plant, inheritance
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