|  ISSN: 1018-1806   |  e-ISSN: 2197-0483

Original article | Helia 2020, Vol. 43(73) 185-189

New form cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) with resistance to the herbicides Pulsar and Express

Michail Christov Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi

pp. 185 - 189

Published online: December 01, 2020  |   Number of Views: 3  |  Number of Download: 17


New traits that are useful for the cultivated sunflower can be received by applying classical breeding methods. A new form sunflower that is resistant to herbicides Pulsar and Express was obtained by hybridization between the sunflower mutant M-95-674 and the line HA 425. Test results from the period 2017–2019 confirm the resistance to both herbicides. This resistance can be transferred into other classical selected lines.

Keywords: hybridization; mutant; new traits; sunflower

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Hristova-Cherbadzhi, M.C.M. (2020). New form cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) with resistance to the herbicides Pulsar and Express . Helia, 43(73), 185-189.

Hristova-Cherbadzhi, M. (2020). New form cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) with resistance to the herbicides Pulsar and Express . Helia, 43(73), pp. 185-189.

Chicago 16th edition
Hristova-Cherbadzhi, Michail Christov Miroslava (2020). "New form cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) with resistance to the herbicides Pulsar and Express ". Helia 43 (73):185-189.