|  ISSN: 1018-1806   |  e-ISSN: 2197-0483

Original article | Helia 2021, Vol. 44(75) 131-145

Efficiency of selection–biotechnological system of selection for creation of breeding source material of sunflower resistant to herbicides and broomrape

Viktoria Babych Mykola Kuchuk Yaroslava Sharipina Miroslav Parii Yaroslav Parii Irina Borovska Yuri V. Symonenko

pp. 131 - 145

Published online: December 01, 2021  |   Number of Views: 2  |  Number of Download: 16


The sunflower is a strategically important oil crop. Every year the area under this crop grows and the rapid returning of sunflowers back to the fields provokes the formation of new more aggressive races of broomrape ( Orobanche cumana Wallr.). Broomrape is a parasite that interferes with the normal development of sunflower and can lead to significant crop losses. For creating a sunflower hybrid (F 1 ) it is needed to cross the parental components which have a complex of important traits among which there is a resistance to the herbicides and a broomrape. Considering that the creation of each of the components of the hybrid involves many years of painstaking work in the breeding process modern approaches and methods are used to accelerate the creation of a new source material. Thus using the technology of cultivating immature embryos in vitro culture it is possible to reduce the time to create lines resistant to herbicides for example. And during selection for resistance to pathogenic organisms testing is most often used against an artificial infectious background both in the field and in laboratory conditions in order to differentiate the material on this basis. The aim of this work was to establish the effectiveness system when creating an initial breeding material resistant to herbicides and broomrape. As a result of testing the lines on an artificial infectious background was identified plants which have high resistance to the G-race broomrape and were isolated from hybrid combinations resistant to tribenuron-methyl and imidazolinones. Thus among the analyzed plants which are resistant to tribenuron‐methyl four lines were isolated which are highly resistant to the G-race broomrape from a hybrid combinations BH0118/SURES–2 (101/1 101/4 101/6 101/7) and BH0318/SURES–2 (101/21 101/24 101/28 101/30) and five lines (101/11 101/12 101/16 101/17 101/18) from a hybrid combination BH0218/SURES–2. Among imidazolinone-resistant sunflower lines – line 3 was isolated as highly resistant to the G-race broomrape.

Keywords: broomrape; Helianthus annuus L.; in vitro culture; Orobanche cumana Wallr.; resistance; sunflower

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APA 6th edition
Symonenko, V.B.M.K.Y.S.M.P.Y.P.I.B.Y.V. (2021). Efficiency of selection–biotechnological system of selection for creation of breeding source material of sunflower resistant to herbicides and broomrape . Helia, 44(75), 131-145.

Symonenko, V. (2021). Efficiency of selection–biotechnological system of selection for creation of breeding source material of sunflower resistant to herbicides and broomrape . Helia, 44(75), pp. 131-145.

Chicago 16th edition
Symonenko, Viktoria Babych Mykola Kuchuk Yaroslava Sharipina Miroslav Parii Yaroslav Parii Irina Borovska Yuri V. (2021). "Efficiency of selection–biotechnological system of selection for creation of breeding source material of sunflower resistant to herbicides and broomrape ". Helia 44 (75):131-145.